Y: The Last Man

This week we had a bunch to talk about including a couple of new projects by some cool creators. Scott Snyder has a Substack where he’s teaching a comics class. You can still sign up for it if you’re interested by subscribing (https://bestjackettpress.substack.com/). Also, Jeff Lemire has begun a Substack where he is going to display art, launch new comics, have sales for subscribers and generally just do nifty comics related stuff (https://jefflemire.substack.com/). It’s great to see some creators trying to take their work directly to market without going through the publisher middleman and it will be interesting to see where that goes.

Then we talk trailers! New Spider-Man: No Way Home came out fairly recently. And then we get to the main event…

We go through a bit of the Y: The Last Man FX trailer (streaming on Hulu September 13) before getting into our discussion of the first trade in our ramp up to the show.

And that’s it for this episode, c’mon back next week where we’ll be talking about the all time great anime, Akira.

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