MGMT for the Invincible Mind

Welcome back! Let’s get to it, episode 4 kicks off, as usual with a little news/things we think are interesting:

  • If you haven’t yet, check out Panel Syndicate, your source for digital comics from some awesome creators (started up by Brian K. Vaughan himself)
  • We just got wind of a really cool new service called Comic Distro that is creating a print on demand platform for comic publishers. Looks like it could be really useful for tiny market pubs and the like.

    Then we get down to business with Joe’s pick for this month, Mind MGMT (wr. & ill. Matt Kindt), a high pressure spy/conspiracy story filled with intrigue and agents with bizarre mental powers.

    After that we jump into our review of the first 4 episodes of Invincible, Amazon Prime’s newest take on those naughty superheros.

    Want to know what’s on our stacks this month? We’ve got recommendations!
    Hench (Joe)
    American Vampire (Joe)
    Ted Lasso (Joe) – AppleTV
    The Serpent (Joe) – Netflix
    Snow Angels (Joe)
    Nobody (Joe)
    I’m Thinking of Ending Things (Steve)
    The Last Book You’ll Ever Read — upcoming (Steve)
    Tales From Harrow County — upcoming (Steve)

    And if you want to keep up with us for next month, we’ll be swapping the following:
    The Seeds (Steve’s pick)
    Postal vol. 1 (Joe’s pick)

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